Are You an Effective Angular Developer?

Matt Vaughn
2 min readJul 28, 2018

Recently, I was asked if I would change a company’s technology stack to Angular — due to the problems they were having after a 2+ years of development in React. I answered, “No.”.

I also replied that it doesn’t matter what technology you choose, you will always have issues if there is not proper guidance and architecture. Therefore, this started me to think about why this company was in this problem and how may have it been avoided.

  • Was it the churning of developers over the last 2–3 years.
  • Was it the inconsistent designs and implementation patterns?
  • Was it that the application was not testable?
  • Was it the lack of consistency?
  • Was it the lack of architecture?
  • Was it their choice of tools?

Elements of Effectiveness

The answer to the questions above is: Yes. For this development team to be effective they required 3 key elements:

  1. Essentials: the right tools and materials.
  2. Experience: the knowledge along with understanding of their tools and the ability to execute a plan with discipline; this includes a practice of Continuous Learning (CL).
  3. Execution: a defined, documented, and followed course of actions that include design/analysis, architecture, process, and delivery.

Please take a listen to Episode 5 of the Angularlicious Podcast to learn how you and your team can be more effective. The podcast provides a detailed discussion about each of the 3 Elements of Effectiveness for an Angular Developer.



Matt Vaughn

I love tacos, code, jazz, my husky and maybe 3 people in this world...and of course: Angular. Angularlicious podcast — more info at